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Using VBA to Move/copy/rename a tab in Workbook

  1. #1
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    Using VBA to Move/copy/rename a tab in Workbook

    Morning all!!

    Currently using Excel 2010 and trying to streamline a few things at work.

    I've manually recorded (and partially edited) a macro which I need someone to kindly help me with:
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    The above does pretty much what I need, puts current date in E4, makes a copy of that tab, moves it to the end of the workbook, renames it using the current date, then deletes form control button 1.

    What I would like someone to do is provide me with some additions to the code to be able to:
    *Move the newly created tab to the end of the workbook (and not just after tab 17 as in the code)
    *Give me code that sends the workbook as an email using email addresses found in "Sheet1"

    Kind Regards!!

  2. #2
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    Re: Using VBA to Move/copy/rename a tab in Workbook

    ok, odd - for some reason it took a while for my post to actually 'post' lol

    However, update - think I've sorted it

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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Using VBA to Move/copy/rename a tab in Workbook

    Another update - no, I haven't sorted it, ive got it to email ok, I just need to know how to move the newly created tab to the end of the sheet rather than after sheet 17 - anyone care to enlighten me ?

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