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VBA to move data to new worksheets based on cell value

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GregStewartPTC VBA to move data to new... 02-21-2018, 12:18 PM
Mumps1 Re: VBA to move data to new... 02-21-2018, 12:55 PM
GregStewartPTC Re: VBA to move data to new... 02-21-2018, 01:39 PM
Mumps1 Re: VBA to move data to new... 02-21-2018, 01:45 PM
  1. #1
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    VBA to move data to new worksheets based on cell value

    I am needing to create a vba/macro to move data from one worksheet to another based on the value of a cell in a specific column. Ideally the new tabs would be named with the value that is in the cell, to make it easier to sift through once finished. Is this possible?

    I've uploaded an example worksheet. All data that is sent to me is always under the worksheet 'Supply Data'. I need to filter based on the Branch Name in Column A - create a tab with that branch name - move all info from all rows containing that branch name to the tab. If it can somehow go back and delete the data after it has been moved, or even delete the entire worksheet would be even better, if that is possible?

    I also realize I could sort this into a pivot table very easily, but because the data from Column F-M has to have a very specific custom sort for the reps to know which order to work their list from, it isn't a good option.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Mumps1's Avatar
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    Re: VBA to move data to new worksheets based on cell value

    Try on a copy of your file:
    Sub CreateSheet()
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Dim bottomA As Long
        bottomA = Sheets("Supply Data").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        Dim branch As Range
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim rngUniques As Range
        Sheets("Supply Data").Range("A1:A" & bottomA).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range _
            ("A1:A" & bottomA), Unique:=True
        Set rngUniques = Sheets("Supply Data").Range("A2:A" & bottomA).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        If Sheets("Supply Data").AutoFilterMode = True Then Sheets("Supply Data").AutoFilterMode = False
        For Each branch In rngUniques
            Set ws = Nothing
            On Error Resume Next
            Set ws = Worksheets(branch.Value)
            On Error GoTo 0
            If ws Is Nothing Then
                Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = branch.Value
                Sheets("Supply Data").Range("A1:A" & bottomA).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=branch
                Sheets("Supply Data").Range("A1:A" & bottomA).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Copy Sheets(branch.Value).Cells(Sheets(branch.Value).Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
                If Sheets("Supply Data").AutoFilterMode = True Then Sheets("Supply Data").AutoFilterMode = False
            End If
        Next branch
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Sheets("Supply Data").Delete
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
     End Sub
    You can say "THANK YOU" for help received by clicking the Star symbol at the bottom left of the helper's post.
    Practice makes perfect. I'm very far from perfect so I'm still practising.

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA to move data to new worksheets based on cell value

    Thank you very much for the fast reply Mumps. This is perfect! +Rep and I'm marking solved.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Mumps1's Avatar
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    Re: VBA to move data to new worksheets based on cell value

    You are very welcome and thanks for the rep.

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