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Multiple PERSONAL.xlsb files - which to keep - how to delete

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  1. #1
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    Question Multiple PERSONAL.xlsb files - which to keep - how to delete

    I don't know how this happened - but today, I was prompted with the following list of MULTIPLE personal.xlsb files
    asked -- which one(s) to keep?

    I opened each, checked out the MODULES and find that the very bottom (original PERSONAL.xlsb) file is a good one (has my most recent Modules in it)
    Also, the very top one listed: PERSONAL (version1) - seems to mirror the original one -- with the same quantity of modules in my module list.

    The other 2 listed in the middle did not hold all of my modules and should be deleted - but when I right click on them to delete; it's not an option.
    See attached image -- to see what I'm seeing and to see what options are available when I right click (shown in red bordered window at right)
    Is there a different place I need to go to remove those extra copies?

    Hoping someone knows how to clean this up before something bad happens to my valuable Personal file!
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator jeffreybrown's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple PERSONAL.xlsb files - which to keep - how to delete

    Check you xlstart up folder to see if somehow that's where multiple .xlsb files are located.

    Regards, Jeff

  3. #3
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    Question Re: Multiple PERSONAL.xlsb files - which to keep - how to delete

    Thx for tip on where to locate --- here's what I'm seeing in the EXCEL file (just before drilling 1 step deeper into the XLSTART) --SEE ATTCHD
    and also what's sitting in the XLSTART...
    I'm wondering if it is OK/SAFE to delete all the xlsb line items in both folders (that are not the main/original PERSONAL.xlsb)?

    Delete all for items in the EXCEL folder (circled in red)
    Then go to the XLSTART folder and delete the "auto recovered" line item but leave the "PERSONAL" line at bottom in place.

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  4. #4
    Forum Moderator jeffreybrown's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple PERSONAL.xlsb files - which to keep - how to delete

    Quote Originally Posted by CHRISOK View Post
    I'm wondering if it is OK/SAFE to delete all the xlsb line items in both folders (that are not the main/original PERSONAL.xlsb)?
    I see no reason why not. If this was my computer that what I would do. As you say, you have one main personal.xlsb and nothing else. If you have concern, you can also removed the extra files to some safe backup spot and after all is working fine, delete the unnecessary.

  5. #5
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    Re: Multiple PERSONAL.xlsb files - which to keep - how to delete

    All is good! - I've cut all the extras out of both places and saved them into a diff folder - all seems to be working well -- will keep on hand a few days to confirm.
    Thank you

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator jeffreybrown's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple PERSONAL.xlsb files - which to keep - how to delete

    Awesome and you are very welcome. Glad it has worked out so far.

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