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Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2003

    Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

    I’ve 4 months of monthly cash sales for a product which is sold in various outlets which belong to specific territories. There are about 200 territories and multiple outlets in each territory. I’d like to sum the sales for each outlet within its territory and rank the outlets by the volume of sales in their territory.

    What do you think of the approach below, is it good, I’ve got that funny feeling im making hard work of it:

    List Unique Territories in Sheet(“Lists’”) column A
    List Unique Outlets in Sheet(“Lists”) in column B

    For each Territory in Sheet(“RawData”)
    For each Outlet in Sheet(“RawData”)
    Sum Sales in Sheet(“RawData”) and place Territory/Outlet/4 months sales figure in Sheet(“Results”)
    Next Outlet
    Next Territory

    Then rank the outlets by adding a column in Sheet(“Results”) with a score of 1 for the highest sales to 10 or greater (depending on number of outlets in the territory, which varies).

  2. #2
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    Re: Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

    Ive attached an example dataset
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Forum Expert MickG's Avatar
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    Re: Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

    Try this:-
    Data on sheet "Data", results on sheet "Results".
    Sub MG07Jan45
    Dim temp        As String
    Dim Dic         As Object
    Dim Ray         As Variant
    Dim txt         As String
    Dim n           As Long
    Dim k           As Variant
    Dim p           As Variant
    Dim c           As Long
    Dim Sp          As Variant
    Ray = Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 6)
       Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Dic.CompareMode = 1
       For n = 2 To UBound(Ray, 1)
             txt = Ray(n, 1) & "," & Ray(n, 2) & "," & Ray(n, 3)
                If Not Dic.exists(txt) Then
                    Set Dic(txt) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                End If
                If Not Dic(txt).exists(Ray(n, 4)) Then
                    Dic(txt).Add (Ray(n, 4)), Ray(n, 6)
                    Dic(txt).Item(Ray(n, 4)) = Dic(txt).Item(Ray(n, 4)) + Ray(n, 6)
                End If
        Next n
    c = 1
    With Sheets("Results")
        .Range("A1").Resize(, 6) = Array("Product Code", "Product Name", "Territory Name", "Outlet Name", "Area Tot", "Rank")
        For Each k In Dic.Keys
            temp = c
            For Each p In Dic(k)
                  c = c + 1
                   Sp = Split(k, ",")
                    .Cells(c, "A") = Sp(0)
                    .Cells(c, "B") = Sp(1)
                    .Cells(c, "C") = Sp(2) ':
                    .Cells(c, "D") = p
                    .Cells(c, "E") = Dic(k).Item(p)
            Next p
            For n = temp + 1 To c
                .Cells(n, "F") = Application.Rank(.Cells(n, "E"), .Cells(temp + 1, "E").Resize(c - temp), 0)
            Next n
        Next k
        With .Range("A1").Resize(c, 6)
             .Borders.Weight = 2
       End With
    End With
    End Sub
    Regards Mick

  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2003

    Re: Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

    Thanks Mick. Would you mind walking me through this as I find it a bit hard to follow with regard the scripting dictionary component and the use of arrays, its far removed from my usual sum ifs..

    Quote Originally Posted by MickG View Post
    Try this:-
    Data on sheet "Data", results on sheet "Results".
    Sub MG07Jan45
    Dim temp        As String
    Dim Dic         As Object
    Dim Ray         As Variant
    Dim txt         As String
    Dim n           As Long
    Dim k           As Variant
    Dim p           As Variant
    Dim c           As Long
    Dim Sp          As Variant
    Ray = Sheets("Data").Cells(1).CurrentRegion.Resize(, 6)
       Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Dic.CompareMode = 1
       For n = 2 To UBound(Ray, 1)
             txt = Ray(n, 1) & "," & Ray(n, 2) & "," & Ray(n, 3)
                If Not Dic.exists(txt) Then
                    Set Dic(txt) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                End If
                If Not Dic(txt).exists(Ray(n, 4)) Then
                    Dic(txt).Add (Ray(n, 4)), Ray(n, 6)
                    Dic(txt).Item(Ray(n, 4)) = Dic(txt).Item(Ray(n, 4)) + Ray(n, 6)
                End If
        Next n
    c = 1
    With Sheets("Results")
        .Range("A1").Resize(, 6) = Array("Product Code", "Product Name", "Territory Name", "Outlet Name", "Area Tot", "Rank")
        For Each k In Dic.Keys
            temp = c
            For Each p In Dic(k)
                  c = c + 1
                   Sp = Split(k, ",")
                    .Cells(c, "A") = Sp(0)
                    .Cells(c, "B") = Sp(1)
                    .Cells(c, "C") = Sp(2) ':
                    .Cells(c, "D") = p
                    .Cells(c, "E") = Dic(k).Item(p)
            Next p
            For n = temp + 1 To c
                .Cells(n, "F") = Application.Rank(.Cells(n, "E"), .Cells(temp + 1, "E").Resize(c - temp), 0)
            Next n
        Next k
        With .Range("A1").Resize(c, 6)
             .Borders.Weight = 2
       End With
    End With
    End Sub
    Regards Mick

  5. #5
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

    Nice coding

  6. #6
    Forum Expert
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    Excel 2010

    Re: Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

    If the areas and outlets are fairly static then the report can be accomplished with "=SUMIFS()

    If either areas or outlets constantly change in number then a macro solution is in order

  7. #7
    Forum Expert MickG's Avatar
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    Re: Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

    There is quite a lot of work to comment the code if you do not have a basic understanding of Arrays and Scip Dict".
    So have attached the below, relating to "Arrays" &"Scripting dictionaries"
    Hope that helps !!
    Regrds Mick

  8. #8
    Forum Expert MickG's Avatar
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    Re: Sum monthly sales for each outlet in a territory.

    Thanks for the interest and the comment
    Regrds Mick

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