Hi, I searched and found a few different ways people have solved similar problems to mine, but was unable to apply them to my situation.

I have a csv export of a database that looks like:

LastName FirstName Initials Title Keycode TokenFormat Disabled StartDate EndDate Email EmployeeNumber DateOfBirth WorkTelephone HomeTelephone MobileTelephone SecurityLevel RequiresExtraDoorTime PIN Memo OrgUnitName AccessGroups CategoryName ExtraInfo1 ExtraInfo2 Photo
Bristow Gillian D60AD8C2 FALSE 01/01/1970 C:\IDPhotos\0000011685.png

And a report of people that need to be removed that looks like:

LastName FirstName
Bristow Gillian

Its probably simple, but how can I remove each row from the first spreadsheet, if their LastName & FirstName are found in the second spreadsheet?

Thank you in advance for any help