hi experts

I have a program that loads a userform for input of data, it takes the data, crunches it and displays it on a sheet --- its not elegant and i believe its way too long and can be done a lot cleaner. BUT -- that is another issue for another day.

My issue right now is this -- from Userform1, I need to have another userform (call it Userform2) load to accept data and determine the time lapse, accept the down codes, and move on and display it. My problem at hand is that I can get Userform2 to load, but can not get it to prefill the textboxes. I have tried reading the data from Userform1 into Userform 2 -- found out userforms are modal and can not do that. So I tried to read it from either variables or from the sheets they were put in . But nothing is working.

I am unsure what my problem is.

I can not attach my program as its too large. I am however, putting the code in this window that is relevant. Again I realize that this is long and can be much much cleaner -- but right now I need to get this running .

Is it an issue of having 2 userforms open at once? I can get Userform2 to load up, but thats all.

Thanks in advance for assistance.

Unload UserForm1
 '   *************************************************************************************************************
  ' dcdone = False        ' boolean catcher for if ll down codes inpout
 'Do                     '  loop to get all down codes
    ' prefill data
    UserForm2.txtpn2.Value = Worksheets("Daily Run Data").Cells(nr, pnc).Value
    UserForm2.txtdescrip2.Value = desc
    UserForm2.txtdt2.Value = UserForm1.txtdt.Value
    UserForm2.txtline2.Value = ml
  Load UserForm2         ' imput screen for downtime codes
    Unload UserForm2

'Loop Until dcdone = True            '  no more down codes to input