I finally got this macro working. With the full filename of a JPG image on the clipboard, it insers that as a picture in the active worksheet:
HOWEVER, it will only work if I place it in Personal.xlsb. If I put it in the worksheet in which I want to work, TrackData-New.xlsm, I get this error: "Compile error: User-defined type not defined".![]()
Sub InsertPicture_Gf4() ' Dim MyData As DataObject Dim strClip As String Set MyData = New DataObject MyData.GetFromClipboard strClip = MyData.GetText Range("A30").Select ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(strClip).Select Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 0.85, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft Application.CommandBars("Format Object").Visible = False Rows("27:27").Select End Sub
I did observe the obscure instruction I had found, namely that for this to work you must "Have at least one UserForm in your project".
Anyone know the reason for this failure and how to fix please?