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Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

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  1. #1
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    Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000


    Need some help, might someone tell me a snipped to add to the code?

    Im trying to concatenate 5 cells from Range R22:V22 to Single cell DU22 but adding a dash between.

    The VBA code it does the job as long the string are single number with front zero, now i need to do the same but this time there are five cells and each one include 3 digits, Example : 000 001 010 121 110

    When are three positive digits is not a problem, but when such digits Include leading zero it wont concatenate correct.
    When I place the Formula - Concat(R22:V22) in Cell DU22 and DU23 as well, it won't display the leading zeroes at front or if the string is triple zero it just display single zero.

    --->>>C O L U M N S
    22___010_000_010_112_212 -> DU22 ->Display --> 10-0-10-112-212
    23___000_120_100_120_121 -> DU23 ->Display --> 0-120-100-120-121

    This is the code I'm Using:

    Public Function ConcatAll(ByVal varData As Variant, Optional ByVal sDelimiter As String = vbNullString) As String
    'Created by TigerAvatar at www.excelforum.com, September 2012
    'Purpose is to concatenate many strings into a single string
    'Can be used with arrays, range objects, and collections
        Dim DataIndex As Variant    'Used to loop through arrays, range objects, and collections
        Dim strResult As String     'Used to build the result string
        'Test if varData is an Array, Range, or Collection
        If IsArray(varData) _
        Or TypeName(varData) = "Range" _
        Or TypeName(varData) = "Collection" Then
            'Found to be an, array, range object, or collection
            'Loop through each item in varData
            For Each DataIndex In varData
                'Check if the item isn't empty and if so add it to the result with the delimiter
                If Len(DataIndex) > 0 Then strResult = strResult & sDelimiter & DataIndex
            Next DataIndex
            'Correct strResult to remove beginning delimiter
            strResult = Mid(strResult, Len(sDelimiter) + 2)
            'Found not to be an array, range object, or collection
            'Simply set the result = varData
            strResult = varData
        End If
        'Output result
        ConcatAll = strResult
    End Function

    Thanks !!!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

    Try this change

    Public Function ConcatAll(ByVal varData As Variant, Optional ByVal sDelimiter As String = vbNullString) As String
    'Created by TigerAvatar at www.excelforum.com, September 2012
    'Purpose is to concatenate many strings into a single string
    'Can be used with arrays, range objects, and collections
        Dim DataIndex As Variant    'Used to loop through arrays, range objects, and collections
        Dim strResult As String     'Used to build the result string
        'Test if varData is an Array, Range, or Collection
        If IsArray(varData) _
        Or TypeName(varData) = "Range" _
        Or TypeName(varData) = "Collection" Then
            'Found to be an, array, range object, or collection
            'Loop through each item in varData
            For Each DataIndex In varData
                'Check if the item isn't empty and if so add it to the result with the delimiter
                If Len(DataIndex) > 0 Then strResult = strResult & "-" & WorksheetFunction.Text(DataIndex, "000")
            Next DataIndex
            'Correct strResult to remove beginning delimiter
            strResult = Mid(strResult, Len(sDelimiter) + 2)
            'Found not to be an array, range object, or collection
            'Simply set the result = varData
            strResult = varData
        End If
        'Output result
        ConcatAll = strResult
    End Function
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  3. #3
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

    Hi Crooza,

    No is displaying the same ...

    --->>>C O L U M N S
    22___010_000_010_112_212 -> DU22 ->Display --> 10-0-10-112-212

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

    Quote Originally Posted by AndyJr View Post
    Hi Crooza,

    No is displaying the same ...
    Not on my example

    see attached
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  5. #5
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000


    Yes is working!!

    the Call function was ConCatAll=

    Excel cell had ConCatal (from previous code tested)

    Thank you all !!

    Crooza, Yujin, Jolivanes and sktneer !!


  6. #6
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

    If you don't want front zeroes to vanish, you need to format the digits with Format function.

    If Len(DataIndex) > 0 Then strResult = strResult & sDelimiter & Format(DataIndex, "000")

  7. #7
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

    Hi Yujin,

    Is the same output my friend..

    --->>>C O L U M N S
    22___010_000_010_112_212 -> DU22 ->Display --> 10-0-10-112-212

  8. #8
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

    Hi Jujin,

    Contrary, I need the Front zeros and or all zeros (if in cell contents)

    the first thing i did was the formatting 000-000-000-000-000

  9. #9
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

    Try this
    Sub AAAAA()
    Dim a As String, i As Long, j As Long
        For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, 18).End(xlUp).Row
            a = CStr(Cells(i, 18))
                For j = 19 To 22
                    a = a & "-" & CStr(Cells(i, j))
                Next j
            Cells(Rows.Count, 125).End(xlUp).Offset(1) = a
        Next i
    End Sub

  10. #10
    Forum Guru sktneer's Avatar
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    Re: Concatenate 5 cells into a single But including front zeroes or all zeros, e.i 000

    You may try something like this and see if that produces the desired output.

    If IsArray(varData) _
    Or TypeName(varData) = "Range" _
    Or TypeName(varData) = "Collection" Then
        'Found to be an, array, range object, or collection
        'Loop through each item in varData
        For Each DataIndex In varData
            'Check if the item isn't empty and if so add it to the result with the delimiter
            If Len(DataIndex) > 0 Then
                If strResult = "" Then
                    strResult = DataIndex
                    strResult = strResult & sDelimiter & DataIndex
                End If
            End If
        Next DataIndex
        'Found not to be an array, range object, or collection
        'Simply set the result = varData
        strResult = varData
    End If
    'Output result
    ConcatAll = strResult

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