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Merge multiple sheets data into one worksheet based on multiple criteria and date

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    Merge multiple sheets data into one worksheet based on multiple criteria and date


    I am looking for an help on below explanation. Previous topic HERE. and below is the explanation in my previous topic.

    I am looking for a help to combine 2 worksheet data for non-identical headers.
    Click Search provider button on ribbon and enter search criteria (For example Quba) and click search. Below listbox1 will give the list of provider per year. When a user click any of the months (For example Al Dar Hospital (Quba) - 2015) the textbox grab that clicked text i.e. Al Dar Hospital (Quba) – 2015.

    Now what I am requesting here is when I click Export Data button then VBA Macros will look for that text value on both the worksheets i.e. Data & Resubmission Adjustment and copy entire rows on below conditions.

    1. From Worksheet data copy the entire row where the text value match.
    2. From Worksheet “Resubmission Adjustment” look for the text value and look for batch no. In column B which is present in Worksheets “Data” in column G and Worksheet “Resubmission Adjustment” in column D cell value is Resubmission Adjustment copy only those rows.

    After matching all the criteria and copy the rows and past it to the worksheet(“Statement”).

    Addition to the above I need to add one option which is date.

    after doing the above procedure if the use enter the date for example 01-01-2015 until 01-05-2015 the script extract the data for that specific provider for this period only.

    To understand the request better I am attaching the sample file (Demo).

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