Hello Keeb,
We are almost there. Their still more thing to understand.
Referring to my first post we are working on combining data from 2 worksheets into 1.
Validation will be look for a hospital in data sheets and look for the same hospital in Resubmission Adjustment sheets. After find the same hospital look for text value (Resubmission Adjustment) in column D in worksheets Resubmission Adjustment. If found extract all the data into a new worksheet.
Now the file is including the period if user select resubmission batches.
For example: User search provider and select for year 2014 the batches listed below. User need not to select the resubmission batches. These batches have to be included in the period which is in text box as an example march 2014 to November 2014 there are 2 batches of resubmission included in this period.
Instead of going for long explanation I will summarized the request.
Full Year
1. Search for a provider
2. Select that provider
3. Without selecting resubmission batches (This is only for viewing purpose).
4. Click on export button. (This will extract entire data for that selected year.
Partially Period
1. Search for a provider
2. Select that provider
3. Without selecting resubmission batches (This is only for viewing purpose) if exists.
4. Enter start date and end sate in the text boxes.
5. Click on export button. (This will extract entire data for that selected year and period mentioned in the text boxes.
I hope this will get you the better idea of output. If not I am attaching the both samples (Full Year & Specific Period)