
Version: Excel 2010

Context: I have a workbook for my job as a staffing manager. At my company, each department is allotted a certain number of employees, with each employee filling a specific job number (e.g. Marketing Dept is allotted 50 employees, John Doe is assigned to Job #12 in Marketing Dept). The workbook has one sheet dedicated to each department whose staffing I control. Each sheet has two columns dedicated to the "current manning status" of the department: one column that lists the Job # from 1-50, and the adjacent column is either formatted with green or red fill (and sometimes text/value for amplifying information, like a date, if necessary): green if the job is filled by an employee and red if not. The last sheet consolidates the info from all departments, meaning the two columns from each sheet are copied to the last sheet.

Request: I would like to add a macro that matches the fill color and text of a cell within a "department" sheet with the associated cell in the "consolidated" sheet. If there is no text/value within the copied cell, leave the matching cell blank as well.

Any pointers?
