I need to track the changes in an excel spreadsheet.
I have tried with Track Changes, the History sheet disappears every time that I save it and I can´t see the previous values when the user delete several cells at a time.
I have tried track changes by a VBA macro that Logit shared in another thread, and it works to track changes but not when values of multiple cells are copy & paste at the same time or when a complete row is deleted.
Has anyone a VBA code that can limit the following functions?:
Does not track when you autofill down.(Number Sequence)
Does not track when you insert or delete rows or columns.
Does not track merged cells old value.
Does not track copy & paste to multiple cells, only one at a time.
If I can include a VBA code that limit this options for the users, I could trace all the changes.
I have to say that I don´t know anything about VBA, so I need something that I can copy and paste.
Thank you