hi! please help, i cant figure out how to write this macro. i have attached a sample file for reference.
i want to make a macro such that
if the word "coupon" is NOT in the first cell with text starting in A2 THEN delete the text in the adjacent cell in coloumn C... so since A4 doesnt say coupon, the cell C4 should be blank
then i would like this to loop until the last cell with text in colomn A
also, i want to create the same macro but for the word "blu". IF a cell in colomn A, starting with A2, does NOT have the word "blu" THEN the adjacent cell in column d should be blank. i.e. a3 doesnt have blue, thus d3 should be blank
the sheet titled "origiinal" is that data and the sheet titled "final" is the result the macro should produce. please help any way possible!!!!! thank you in advance!!!