My apologies as I'm very new to VBA Code. For instance, I don't know if code should be placed under a worksheet, a workbook, or a moduel or what the difference is.
Here's my layout:
3 different worksheets named as follows: Summary, Data, Pivots
"Data" has only data entries in columns A:I, there's a report label in cell A1 (centered across selection), there are Column Headers on Row 2, and data is entered in Rows 3 thru 8132. I have cells A2:I20000 setup as a defined name of "DataTable" in case that helps any for the VB code.
"Summary" has PivotTable1 and 4 pivot table graphs (graphs are controlled by the pivot tables on "Pivots")
"Pivots" has PivotTable2, PivotTable3, PivotTable4, PivotTable5 (this tab will be hidden from users once I'm done with this project)
"Summary" also has 3 cells (B3, B6, and B10) and if any one of these cells is changed I need ALL 5 pivot tables auto refreshed
Also, if any new data entries are made or any changes are made to the worksheet "Data" (or the named range "DataTable") I also want all 5 pivot tables refreshed
- Recap: If any 1 of these 4 things change ("Data" worksheet or cells B3, B6, B10 on "Summary") then refresh all pivot tables
How do I write VB code to handle this? And where do I place the code (worksheet, module, other)? Please be specific as I mentioned I'm a newbie and just trying to learn this stuff. Thank you for the help! Much appreciated!