Not even sure if it is possible:
There is a dynamic table (the range may increase or decrease by row or column.
Under each header, there are values.
Per row, if there are duplicate values, then the cells should be highlighted by different colors.
Example: Header 1 and 2 has A and A duplicate for row 2 (should be highlighted with one random color). Again, Header 4 and 5 have C as duplicate so the cells should be colored with a different color.
Image attached for suggestion.
Any color is fine as long as all the duplicates/triplicates are highlighted with similar sets of colors by row (NOT BY COLUMN).
Header1 Header2 Header3 Header4 Header5 Header6 Header7
A A B C C 1 1
V B C C 1 2 1
1 3 C D V 1 Q
Thanks a LOT in advance.