I am copying anywhere from 15-25 rows from 8 separate workbooks that I am merging into one workbook. Right now I just copy/paste them far enough apart and then delete the empty rows, but there must be a better way. Snippet of my code is this so you can see what I mean when I say I just paste them far enough apart so they can't overlap.
aRng.EntireRow.Copy z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A5").PasteSpecial bRng.EntireRow.Copy z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A32").PasteSpecial cRng.EntireRow.Copy z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A62").PasteSpecial dRng.EntireRow.Copy z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A92").PasteSpecial eRng.EntireRow.Copy z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A122").PasteSpecial fRng.EntireRow.Copy z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A152").PasteSpecial ' gRng.EntireRow.Copy ' z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A182").PasteSpecial hRng.EntireRow.Copy z.Sheets("Audit Tracker").Range("A212").PasteSpecial z.Activate Columns("A:D").AutoFit Set Blk = Range("A4:A500").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks) Blk.EntireRow.Delete z.Save