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VBA Excel - Powerpoint export - Dynamically copy as Images or Tables

  1. #1
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    VBA Excel - Powerpoint export - Dynamically copy as Images or Tables

    Hi everyone!

    I've the following piece of code which exports excel sheets to powerpoint. In each sheet it takes the range from cells A1 and A2 and copies that range into powerpoint.
    Now I want to add two functions, but I'am stuck to fix this, so I am hoping anyone can help me with this?

    1 - In sheets where only a table is included, the code does exactly what it's supposed to do. However in some sheets I've included a picture or a chart and these are not properly pasted in excel. (only a blank picture is copied in the powerpoint slide). Now I want to make a code that uses my input from cell "C1" to determine whether this slide needs to be pasted as an image or as a normal paste. I've tried to fix this but my code continuously gets an error. Is there any way that I can adjust this code so that I will get it working? (It's going wrong at step 5 - "PasteType")

    2 - The code now copies all worksheets, but I want it to start at sheet 7 and continue from there till the end. Thus skipping the first 6 worksheets. Does anyone have a clue how I can exclude these sheets in my VBA?

    Sub PrintPPT()
    'Step 1: Declare variables
    Dim pp As Object
    Dim PPPres As Object
    Dim PPSlide As Object
    Dim xlwksht As Worksheet
    Dim MyRange As String

    'Step 2: Open PowerPoint, add a new presentation and make visible
    Set pp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
    Set PPPres = pp.Presentations.Add
    pp.Visible = True

    'Step 3: Start the loop through each worksheet
    For Each xlwksht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    MyRange = xlwksht.Range("A1").Value & ":" & xlwksht.Range("A2").Value

    'Step 4: Count slides and add new blank slide as next available slide number
    SlideCount = PPPres.Slides.Count
    Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides.Add(SlideCount + 1, 12)

    'Step 5: Paste the picture and adjust its position
    PPPres.ApplyTemplate ("C:/My location/template.potx")

    PasteType = xlwksht.Range("C1").Value
    ' Pastetype is "PasteSpecial DataType:=2" for images
    ' Pastetype is "Paste.Select" for normal


    pp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Top = 85
    pp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Left = 7.2

    'Step 6: Add the title to the slide then move to next worksheet
    Next xlwksht

    'Step 7: Memory Cleanup
    Set PPSlide = Nothing
    Set PPPres = Nothing
    Set pp = Nothing

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Sean Thomas's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Excel - Powerpoint export - Dynamically copy as Images or Tables

    I would imagine it errors at this

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    PPSlide.Shapes.PasteType 'it will error here
    technically it would appear PPSlide.Shape.2

    you will probably need something like

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  3. #3
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    Re: VBA Excel - Powerpoint export - Dynamically copy as Images or Tables

    Thanks for your help Sean! That worked as perfectly as I had hoped!
    Do you maybe have a solution for my second question as well regarding the skipping of the first 6 excel sheets?

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor Sean Thomas's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Excel - Powerpoint export - Dynamically copy as Images or Tables

    Try something like this maybe

    just change the sheet names for the ones you don't want to run the code on

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    you can also use the index number providing they are in the correct order
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  5. #5
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    Re: VBA Excel - Powerpoint export - Dynamically copy as Images or Tables

    Hi Sean, thanks again for your help, however this time I can't get either of them working. I've added your code in my step 3

    'Step 3:
    For Each xlwksht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If xlwksht.Name = "Sheet1" Then
    MyRange = xlwksht.Range("A1").Value & ":" & xlwksht.Range("A2").Value
    End If

    But if I try this, the program gives an error in step 7 "Next without For".
    If I leave the "next" out it gives an error on step 5..

    Do you maybe know what I am doing wrong?

  6. #6
    Valued Forum Contributor Sean Thomas's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Excel - Powerpoint export - Dynamically copy as Images or Tables

    You probably have the end if in the wrong place

    try this

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