Generate random combinations only one number from each group of 4 letters
Generate random combinations only one number from each group of 4 letters
Where groups A, B, C, D are stored?
What are their members?
1. Make sure that your sample data are truly REPRESENTATIVE of your real data. (If trere are typical cases like: all unique values/duplicates could occur, day/night, nobody present/several persons at once, before/on/past due, etc. - please show them all or at least indicate in text) The use of unrepresentative data is very frustrating and can lead to long delays in reaching a solution.
2. Make sure that both: input data and your desired solution(s) is/are also shown (mock up the results manually).
Best Regards,
Hello kaper, but groups of 4 numbers are represented in each distinct color !!!!
Each color has 4 abcd numbers
A b 01 15
C d 51 10
A = 01
B = 15
C = 51
D = 10
OK, and next 4 are:
06 47
74 60
Why not
02 25
52 20
Yes we have 45 groups, you have to generate 40 numbers, only one number each group of 4 (given color)
* The line of 40 numbers always has to pass through the 45 groups (total of groups0 only one number per group
* The restriction of not being couple of inverted
Exempl =
* 02 25
52 20
* Or 25 or 02 or 52 or 20 number 4 together just one of each group!
Hello how will 40 numbers be generated, you can have 10 numbers of each letter within the group of 4 numbers
* 10 numbers in position A 10 numbers in position B 10 NUMBERS c and 10 numbers in d
* Example
** 1st group a b ab a .. 10 numbers a, a, a, ... 10 numbers in position a in the other group
********************* Cd d
Only if possible ok
Hello the macro has to scan all 45 groups, and choose only one numbers each group of 4 Which is in color
I can see no 45 groups you refer to in your sample file.
So nothing to scan.
Kaper! think, each color has a group of 4 numbers, look calmly in the attachment
** But it has the colors each group color with 4 numbers, it's easy
01 15
51 10
06 47
74 60
08 58
85 80
03 38
83 30
07 69
96 70
04 18
81 40
35 59
95 53
24 68
86 24
02 89
98 20
26 49
94 62
13 29
92 31
09 45
54 90
23 48
84 32
05 37
73 50
17 46
64 71
12 39
93 21
67 28
82 76
14 78
87 41
16 34
43 61
26 79
97 62
56 27
72 65
19 26
62 91
36 57
75 53
52 25
42 63
Total de
01 15
51 10
06 47
74 60
If you treat each color as a group, then there is only 24 of them
Okay, there is yes it is 24 because then I saw that I put the second line
* But the idea remains the same,
* Then make lines of 20 numbers 5 each position
* Can you? Make lines of 20?
If I may interject, it is not clear to me what you are doing. If I understand correctly (even if I am uncertain in the details), I expect that the core of the algorithm will be INDEX() and RANDBETWEEN() functions (Function help files: INDEX()
RANDBETWEEN(): ) Something like =INDEX($A$1:$B$2,RANDBETWEEN(1,2),RANDBETWEEN(1,2)) will randomly return one of the four values in that block of cells.
Does that help get you started?
Originally Posted by shg
Yes you can, expose your ideas, the forum allows, only the doubt has been clarified
* That there are 24 groups of 4 numbers, mrshorty, difilmente in cad one groups are drawn 2.3 numbers, in 85% only a number of each group is why I need so now lines of 20 numbers for type keno 100-20, then the macro will pick up a number from each group of 4
* And ride. Is easy
Hello you can assemble on the Cartesian plane by crossing two groups of 4
Ex =
******** 23 32 45 54
I'm still not sure I understand. Why wouldn't =INDEX($A$1:$B$2,RANDBETWEEN(1,2),RANDBETWEEN(1,2) -- =INDEX($A$3:$B$4,RANDBETWEEN(1,2),RANDBETWEEN(1,2) -- =INDEX($A$5:$B$6,RANDBETWEEN(1,2),RANDBETWEEN(1,2) -- etc. work for you?
If you must use VBA, the same thing could be done in VBA using the Cells() method and VBA's random number generating function.
Okay then you can set groups of 4 rows and 4 columns
* And do cartesian type, can you? I do not know anything about excel I'm a chauffeur driver
Can I assume that you mean Cartesian Product ( ) here?
In an arrangement like you show in post #16, I would probably simply use a suitable CONCATENATE() formula with the correct mix of relative and absolute references. Assuming the numbers in post 16 are in A2:A5 and B1:E1, perhaps something like =CONCATENATE($A2,B$1) in B2 and copied down and across. Note the mix of relative and absolute references. (Aside. You say that you don't know anything about Excel. Among the first lessons I ever learned about spreadsheets was how to mix relative and absolute references as described here: )
With data in other arrangements, I would still expect to use the INDEX() function or .Cells() method to access individual elements in each set/block/array, then combine elements as desired.
If you need help understanding the .Cells() method:
Yes, I'm going to need help,
I've been trying to understand for already some time. And may be - I got it (or may be not)
In columns FGHI expected result is that there shall be numbers from A1:B2, A3:B4, A5:B6 and A7:B8 in a way that one of them is from each corner of An:Bn+1 square.
So with jorels nomenclature we shall randomly select numbers from each of 4 squares, but observing the rule that every one of them shall be from different position ABCD, ABDC, ACBD, ACDB etc.
and the same for next for squares A9:B16, etc.
As these data go down to B48 we will end up with 24 numbers in cells Fx:ACx.
(still wondering where ismentioned in post #5)we have 45 groups, you have to generate 40 numbers
The following code generates 1000 of such sets.
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ohh, kaper, perfect, work of, the best, thousand thanks,
thank you, the blessed land of Pope Paul. Fight for hard work!
Hello Avid Keno Players, I only have one question.. How to get one number right in KENO massachusetts state lottery?
I ask because you put down 20 dollars to win 50 dollars on a one spot.
I have tried the forecast button in open office and sometimes this works, but not all the time.
Can you explain to me how to use trend? Will it give me just one number?
The computer also has a memory of what numbers are being played so you have to play on busy nights for it to be really random.
I hope this information helps you and I hope you can help me in return. I am so frustrated over here.
Hi rehanavaidya.
Welcome to the forum.
Please note that it's excel forum, not keno forum
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