The AlphaQuote batch API works quite well now. Here's the crucial code snippet, where "Tickers" is a comma delimited text string:

URL = "" & Tickers & "&apikey=" & apiKey & "&datatype=csv"
 Set xmlHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
 xmlHTTP.Open "GET", URL, False
 Resp = xmlHTTP.responseText
The problem with AlphaVantage that I've found though, is that it gives back the wrong value for Visa (V). I request maybe 15 symbols with "V" in the middle and all the others are correct, but not "V". I've contacted them about this but all I get back is crickets chirping.

And the problem with using the Google API is that while it does work, if you search their web sites enough you'll find that API has been depricated and supposed to be deleted already. I presume they're "encouraging" everyone to use Google Sheets instead of Excel.