Thanks 6StringJazzer. Through some dissection this weekend, I see as you've pointed out that I was using a MultiSelect loop in the removal code for the ListBox2 set to SingleSelect property. I'm not sure if the example you sent with the Add event was missing something though, as the add event only adds the first row (minus header) to ListBox2. I've attached my working example with revisions to both the Add and Remove events.
I am having an issue with the add event code however, and I'm not sure if it's because it's the nature of MulitSelect ListBoxes. It's somewhat minor but annoying. For some reason, the Add routine is not resetting itself after it runs, even if I reset all the ListBoxes at the end of the routine. The clue that it is not resetting is that if the Add event runs after initialization, the msgbox does not show up when the Add event is run again if nothing is selected in ListBox1. The Remove event works fine which leads me to believe it's because a MultiSelect ListBox is a different animal. I've tried:
Private Sub resetLists ()
Me.ListBox1.ListIndex = -1
Me.ListBox2.ListIndex = -1
For Count = 0 To Me!lbDaily.ListCount
Me!ListBox1.Selected(Count) = False
Next Count
Me.ListBox1.Enabled = True
Me.ListBox2.Enabled = True
End Sub
The only thing that works is Unloading and Showing the UserForm after the Add event occurs, so if I have to do that, I guess I can live with that.