For the past week I have been hard at work basically learning VBA and macros and such for a project at work. My efforts , to my surprise, have been quite fruitful. Though I cant help but think my code is sloppy and could likely be optimized to run faster but I do know the first thing to look for since I've only learn how to do everything here in one particular way, also I'm deathly afraid of changing anything at this point and bringing it all crashing down. Could some of you excel masters have a look-see at my script and let me know if there is room for improvement
The file works like this:
-operator opens file and if new a part is being produces he goes into the Tool List sheet and populates it to the best of his ability (in reality only column A with the numbers is required)
-when the operator has to replace a tool in the machine he does so, then goes into the excel file and under the Input sheet types the "tool number", "work order", "running total of parts" and "notes"
-clicking the "add" button enters this information into a table in the Tool Data sheet from which the pivot table and chart pulls from and updates the descriptive statistics.
the whole point on this is to give the operator a feel for how long the tools in his machine are lasting during a particular work order
I have attached the file for you feedback along with some sample data already put in.