Hi - I am looking to populate an Excel worksheet which shows dates in column A and then times in column B. Column B should be the time stamp for the last email in my sent items that occurred on the corresponding date in column A. Essentially I am trying to proxy my working hours by using my last sent email every day so I can plot this onto a chart over time.

I think an approach could be to populate column A myself with dates and then loop through the dates within Excel. Each loop would go to my Outlook sent items and have a 'max if' style logic where the 'if' only looks at emails sent on the certain date. There may be a better way to do this using code in Outlook but I am less familiar with this.

I am fairly competent using VBA within Excel (but self taught), but I have no experience pointing code towards Outlook except for automatically generating and populating emails etc which is obviously fairly basic.

I couldn't find anything similar to this question in any of the usual forums so I have setup this account just to post this! I am sure lots of people would love to replicate this if a good solution is found.
