I understand how to do that...
but what I dont understand is what needs to change in this Private MAcro that automatically changes my list to bold... what/where do I need to place to make it also add a red color to that text that is being converted to bold based on my list...
where is this VBA do I add that stuff
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim wsBL As Worksheet
Dim LastPORow As Double
Dim LastBLRow As Double
Dim PORowCtr As Double
Dim BLRowCtr As Double
Set wsBL = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("BoldList")
LastPORow = Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
LastBLRow = wsBL.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Columns("F:F").Font.FontStyle = "Regular"
For PORowCtr = 6 To LastPORow
For BLRowCtr = 2 To LastBLRow
With wsBL
If Cells(PORowCtr, "F") = .Cells(BLRowCtr, "A") Then
Cells(PORowCtr, "F").Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
End If
End With
Next BLRowCtr
Next PORowCtr
End Sub
do I add that color and font stuff after the Cells(PORowCtr, "F").Font.FontStyle = "Bold" part of the code???