I would like to Integrate Calendar with a Worksheet and a Userform.
My file is attached.
I Have a userform where I enter a new entry for my data sheet (Transportation_Tracking).
My wish is after I enter the data, the name depending on THE DAY and THE TIME will be insert automatically in my calendar to the accurate Cell. Like a Planning Table.
In my File, I have put in green the cell (in transportation_tracking sheet) the criteria that need to be in consideration.
In my file, I have put the Name Robert in the cell corresponding at my data sheet in the Calendar.
The goal is then to automatically Insert the Name ROBERT in the calendar depending on the Transportation_tracking Sheet when I finish to enter the entry in my userform.
Userform = Enter information in the data sheet (transportation_tracking) and put the name in the accurate cell (depending on Day and Hour)
Is it feasible ?
Thanks in advance guys