I use VBA to open an excel file and refresh the power query connections. The code works fine when I'm connecting to a CSV file as the data source but recently I switched the query to a MySQL data source. Since I did that I'm getting "Application-defined or object-defined error" on the .Refresh line.
When I open the file and push refresh on the MySQL connection the query refreshes with no problems. Does something need to be changed?
'''''''GET THE PATH OF THE FILE WITH THE QUERIES TO BE REFRESHED Public Sub Load_DBSECOND_Path() Range("Path_DBSECOND").Value = GetPath() End Sub Dim strDBSecond_Path As String Dim wbDBSecond As Workbook Dim con As WorkbookConnection Dim Cname As String '''''''LOOP THROUGH ALL POWER QUERY CONNECTIONS AND REFRESH ONE AT A TIME UNTIL NO MORE REMAIN Set wbDBSecond = Workbooks.Open(strDBSecond_Path) For Each con In wbDBSecond.Connections If Left(con.Name, 8) = "Query - " Then Cname = con.Name With wbDBSecond.Connections(Cname).OLEDBConnection .BackgroundQuery = False .Refresh End With End If Next