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Ignoring chart types with no axes for finding axes title

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  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Ignoring chart types with no axes for finding axes title

    Hello all you Excel experts!

    Code below, problematic line marked with red.

    I am writing a piece of code to list the title, axis titles onto a list for further programming.

    I have run into a weird little problem. In my IF statement to see if the active chart has an axis title, the program fails if the chart type is one where axes are not applicable. I encountered this problem when the program came across a 3D pie chart.

    I have tried including HasAxis (I think it is called) in the IF statement, but still had the error.

    The solution I have made is to make a parent IF statement where I repeatedly use IF chart.type <> [type] for all the chart types I can think of that do not use axes. This solution works, but is not really elegant or sure. I have definitely left some out.

    I was thinking, is there a better way to do this? Simplified code below.

    For Each ws In Worksheets
            If ws.ChartObjects.Count > 0 Then
            For Each cht In ws.ChartObjects
                cht.Activate 'Activates the chart for changes
                    '--- If the chart category axis has a title, it is written in the list
                If ActiveChart.ChartType <> xl3DPie And ActiveChart.ChartType <> xl3DPieExploded And ActiveChart.ChartType <> xlBarOfPie And xlBubble And ActiveChart.ChartType <> xlPie Then
                    If ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).HasTitle = True Then
                        Sheets("TransArrCharts").Cells(pasterow, 1) = ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).AxisTitle.Caption
                        pasterow = pasterow + 1
                    End If
                End If
            Next cht
            End If
        Next ws
    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Forum Guru xlnitwit's Avatar
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    Re: Ignoring chart types with no axes for finding axes title


    HasAxis should work to test for an axis with a 3D pie chart. What was the code you tried and what happened?
    Please remember to mark your thread 'Solved' when appropriate.

  3. #3
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    Re: Ignoring chart types with no axes for finding axes title

    Hey, sorry for the late reply.

    That is totally true! My mistake was making an IF statement with HasAxis = True AND .Axes(xlCategory).HasTitle = True.

    The right method, of course was to first check .HasAxis before .HasTitle. Meaning it needs to be nested IF statements.

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