Hello All
I am using Excel 2010

I have a many workbooks in Folder C:\Source\Master\

The workbook has many sheets out of which two Sheets are Dept and Result

The names of the workbook in C:\Source\Master\ folder are in the following format.

A number followed by Alpha characters.
1. Abcd
2. Efgh
3. Hij
4. Klm
5. Nopq
6. Rstu
7. Vx
8. Wyzab
9. Cdefghi
10. Jkl
And many more

I have different folder eg: C:\Destination\ which has the same naming conventions as shown above.

This will have one to many workbooks

I wish to have a macro which should run as follows:

a) Go to Folder C:\Source\Master\
b) Open eg: 1. Abcd
c) Copy only sheets Dept and Result
d) Save and Close
e) Go to C:\Destination\
f) Open the folder matching the name in b) above eg 1. Abcd
g) Paste the two sheets Dept and Result in the last
h) Save and close
i) Do this for all workbooks
j) Repeat steps b) to h) for others
k) Continue till all the folders are finished

There may also other folders and files which I don’t want in C:\Destination\
Only names matching in both Source and Destination are required

It should match a numeric followed by Alpha characters and do the copy paste in matching folders

Hope to get some help

Thanks in advance

Rashid Khan