Select the range to copy and Run.
Sub ppCopy()
Dim p1 As Range, p2 As Range
Dim r As Long, c1 As Range, c2 As Range
Dim c As Range, s As String
Set p1 = Selection
Set p2 = Application.InputBox("Select TopLeft cell to pasted selection to.", _
"Select Cell", Type:=8)
Set p2 = p2.Resize(p1.Rows.Count, p1.Columns.Count)
p1.Copy p2
Set c1 = p1(1, 2) 'The old Name cell.
Set c2 = p2(1, 2) 'The new Name cell.
For r = 3 To p2.Rows.Count
Set c = p2(r, 1)
s = c.Formula
c.Formula = Replace(s, c1.Address, c2.Address)
Next r
c2.Select 'Ready to change Name
End Sub