I have a macro that I'm using for extracting data from a word document, however, Word interrupts the process with conversion confirmation dialogue boxes and other alerts. I would like to turn of all word alerts while this macro is running.

Here's my code:

Option Explicit

Sub ImportWordTable()
Dim wdDoc As Object
Dim wdFileName As Variant
Dim TableNo As Integer 'table number in Word
Dim desigTableNo As Integer 'designated table that we want to import from
Dim iRow As Long 'row index in Excel
Dim iCol As Integer 'column index in Excel
Dim lRow As Integer 'current row in loop
Dim lLR As Long 'last row of data in excel sheet
Dim wRow As Integer 'row of word table we want data from
Dim wCol As Integer 'column of word table we want data from
Dim pCol As Integer 'column we want to past info into

'find number of rows in spreadsheet
lLR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'set which table we want to pull data from
desigTableNo = Sheets("Search").Cells(2, 3).Value
'set which table row
wRow = Sheets("Search").Cells(3, 3).Value
'set which table column
wCol = Sheets("Search").Cells(4, 3).Value
'set which column we want info to be pasted to
pCol = Sheets("Search").Cells(7, 3).Value

'Code optimizer for much quicker cycle time (see module 1)
Call OptimizeCode_Begin

For lRow = 26700 To lLR

wdFileName = Cells(lRow, 1)
On Error Resume Next
wdDoc.Visible = False

Set wdDoc = GetObject(wdFileName)
wdDoc.Visible = False

With wdDoc
    TableNo = wdDoc.Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.tables.Count
    If TableNo = 0 Then
        Cells(lRow, pCol) = "No Tables!"
        On Error Resume Next
    ElseIf TableNo > 1 Then
        TableNo = desigTableNo
    End If
    With .Sections(1).Headers(1).Range.tables(desigTableNo)
        'copy cell contents from Word table cells to Excel cells
        For iRow = lRow To lRow
                Cells(iRow, pCol) = WorksheetFunction.Clean(.cell(wRow, wCol).Range.Text)
        Next iRow
    End With
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End With

wdDoc.ActiveDocument.Close (False)
Set wdDoc = Nothing

Next lRow

'Code optimizer for much quicker cycle time (see module 1)
Call OptimizeCode_End

End Sub