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VBA code to find the end of data and move down a row

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    VBA code to find the end of data and move down a row


    I have two different worksheets within a document that all contain the same data but from two different sources. Each worksheet can be variable as to how many rows, but the columns will always remain the same.

    Basically I want to compile them together on sheet number 3.

    I have no issues with using VBA code to find the variable range on each cell using the below code as a quick example....
    Range("A2").Copy Range("A2:A" & cells(Row.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
    using the code above I capture the correct amount of data no matter how many rows the data has. And the same code is going to be used on both Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 to capture the data.

    I can then paste the data from Sheet 1 into Sheet 3 nice and easily, but then my VBA knowledge runs out.

    I need help from here on as I have the data from Sheet 2 (copied fine using the above code) but I do not know the VBA code to paste the values onto Sheet 3 into the next available row given that I have already pasted the data from Sheet 1 (and of course the data from Sheet 1 will vary in row length each day).

    Any help would be great.

    No doubt I really need to use VBA to designate a variable to find and store the cell that is next free before I paste the data from Sheet 2, but my knowledge on how to do this is non-existent.

    Thanks for your help in anticipation.

    I have pasted a basic Workbook to show what I am after. Sheet 1 contains a very small amount of data, Sheet 2 contains a bit more, and I need both to be copied one after the other onto Sheet 3.
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