I'm a VBA noob who's hopefully creating a workbook where the user chooses a file and sheet within this file and the main workbook copies data from this sheet from specific (known) cell ranges and worksheet into a sheet in the main workbook (in specific sheet and cell range).
The file is selected via a file explorer which opens on double clicking the appropriate cell in the main workbook. This returns the full file path as a string in this cell (e.g.
C:\ExcelTools\Workbook1.xls). I have set up a function to just get the file name (e.g. Workbook1.xls)
Currently the sheet has to be typed in manually (if anyone has any ideas how to extract sheet names from a file path then I would be grateful!)
I've been trying (and failing) to find a way to open the selected file, select a range of cells (e.g. A1:R190) from the user-specified sheet name and copy and paste them (or =Range("").Value them) into a range of cells (e.g. B2:S191) another named sheet of the main file.
I think I'm having an issue with getting the VBA to recognise the selected file and sheet name as they are as strings in cells. Their values may change as the user selects different files so I can't just put one specific file path into the module.
Any ideas? let me know if anything doesnt make sense!