Since I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for I used a simple if statement to get at what you want. You will have to add #0# to your e-mail template for this to work.
Option Explicit
Sub OpenTestTemplate()
Dim temp As Outlook.MailItem
Dim t As Double
Dim p As Integer
t = InputBox("Please Enter the Value")
Debug.Print t
If 2 < t and t < 5 Then
p = 100
ElseIf 5 < t and t < 10 Then
p = 150
End If
Debug.Print p
Set temp = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate( _
"C:\Users\64761\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\" _
& "Templates\OutlookTest.oft")
temp.Body = Replace(temp.Body, "#0#", p)
Set temp = Nothing
End Sub