Good Afternoon,
I novice in Excel macro and developing a routine to paste multiplication formula and page sum formula.
The formula is pasted but, i want without $ sign ( like =$c$2 *$e$2). but i need without $ sign.
The below is my routine
For Rw = srow To lastrow
If ActiveSheet.Cells(Rw, Qtycolumn).Value > 0.001 Then
If ActiveSheet.Cells(Rw, Ratecolumn).Value = "" Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(Rw, Amountcolumn).Value = "Included"
'Else: Cells(Rw, Amountcolumn).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-3]*RC[-1]"
Else: Cells(Rw, Amountcolumn).Formula = "=" & Cells(Rw, Qtycolumn).Address & "*" & Cells(Rw, Ratecolumn).Address
End If
Dim sumstart, sumfinish As Variant
sumstart = Cells(QRaddress(i - 1) + 2, 6).Address
sumfinish = Cells(QRaddress(i) - 1, 6).Address
Cells(QRaddress(i), 6).Formula = "=Sum(" & sumstart & ":" & sumfinish & ")"
Thanks in advance