Jeez, props to you for writing that all out. Here is a smaller version of that code if you wish to do loads of columns with no gaps 
Sub t()
Dim rColA As Range
Dim rColB As Range
Dim rSrc As Range
Dim rDst As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
'First column
Set rColA = Columns("A")
'Final column
Set rColB = Columns("AU")
'No need to edit below this line
x = rColB.Column - (rColA.Column - 1)
Set rColA = Intersect(rColA, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
For i = 1 To rColA.Rows.Count
Set rSrc = rColA.Cells(i, 1)
Set rDst = Range(rSrc.Offset(0, 1), rSrc.Offset(0, x - 1))
If rSrc.Interior.Pattern <> xlNone Then
rDst.Interior.Color = rSrc.Interior.Color
End If
rDst.Interior.Pattern = rSrc.Interior.Pattern
Next i
End Sub
P.S. Your cells came up black because of a copy/paste mistake when you wrote the lines
rColAU.Cells(i, 1).Interior.Color = rCell.Interior.Pattern