I am trying to accomplish three things:
1. I need to replace specific numbers in a text box based to match the values of a specific cell.
2. I need to replace a section of text, using a rule that will determine the text based on the value of a specific cell.
3. Bold the values that change (the numbers and the section of text).
All of the changes are in the same text box. For example, the text box contains the following text:
Jane Doe has completed a total of 53 research hours since August 1st, 2017. Based on the number of hours worked, I recommend she work additional hours a week in order to stay on track.
Cell A1 = Jane Doe (researcher's name)
Cell B10: = 53 (the total number of hours worked)
"Work Additional" would change based on the value of cell B10.
For example:
B10 < 55, then text = "work additional"
B10 > 56, then text = "do not work additional"
This is just dummy text, but it represents what I am trying to accomplish. Can this be done using VBA?
Also, I need to do it for 6 different text boxes.
Thank you!