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Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

  1. #1
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    Cool Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    As you all know, anything's possible with excel.
    basically we've created a form of scheduling program with excel. this consists of multiple different sheets representing each working day across a 4 week routine.
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday for each week
    We have a back log to assign addresses (where these jobs are completed) to their relevant sheets. these are logged into the relevant sheets via a button.
    what we would like to do is make it so the same address information (a range covering 3 cells in a row) can be posted to the relevant sheet/s only once, however if it is decided to change the day and/or week instance (therefore sheets) then it will log into the new sheet/s (still keeping the old one too as we clear all the posted information at the end of the month).
    we also need to cater for completely new entries.

    Any help will be appreciated

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Hi welcome to the forum,
    Yes almost everything is possible in Excel ... with all the information.
    I'm sure you understand what you have and require but putting it into word for others to understand and see the picture, that's a entire other story.
    How about a sample of with dummy data for the weeks and a dummy back log .
    Will make it easier for someone to pick it up and try and help.
    How about mentioning the version of Excel? Also helps for those who want to help
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    Excel 2010. Hopefully the attachment has worked. thanks for the insight too
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Attached file came through.
    I just took a quick look and my first point, and please don't take me wrong, is that the vba code you wrote, recorded or copied is a programmer's nightmare

    I'll read and see if I can first of all understand what you want to do exactly and see if I can help you out.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Not much I can do without the required macros.

    All your macros are in the personal macro book and what you have in the Bookings sheet is unclear

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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Hi Keebellah

    I am currently working with this Excel Workbook with James and I thought I would jump on and explain a bit.

    We are trying to setup our Booking sheet with all of our set jobs for the month and would like a button to filter and copy based on the Combined Column to the required sheets.
    So Monday1, 3 would copy the rows from Column B to D to Sheets (Monday) (Monday (3))
    I have this currently working but I need to run a clear contents first which is in the code on the Bookings sheet. The problem with this is if a job changes mid month we would like to be able to copy the change into the required sheets then clear all jobs at the end of the month and reset for new month.
    The only Macro I have in the personal file is the Report one which only copies data from each sheet to the Report Sheet, this will be run from each sheet daily to collect the finished jobs and their status and put them on the Report page.

    The problem with clearing the sheets and then re copying the jobs buggers up the order and if we don't collect the daily sheet into the report then the comments that were filled on the day wont line up to the job.

    Hopefully this makes more sense

    Thank you

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    It makes a little sense but I don't see the picture yet.
    Could you attach the macro code for the Report so I can test?
    And why is it in Personal Xlsb?

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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    The Report Macro was quickly made and hasn't been finished yet but I will move it to the Workbook when I finish it.

    It was made so I could show James how the report might look like.

    It has nothing to do with creating the jobs onto the worksheets, its just copying data from the sheets into the report page.

    Thank you
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  9. #9
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Okay, i'll check and see what I can do

  10. #10
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    I've taken a look at the code.
    First thing I see is that the code populating each weekday sheet can be reduced to a loop and maybe 5 lines of code for it to work as it does now.
    What I understand is that in Bookings you have the first columns which you copy the corresponding worksheets but you want to be able to use the same names for other days and avoid duplicating these for the same weekday.
    The date value you use to determine where in the report the names will go, correct?
    Since you clear the worksheets before you start there is almost no way to check what was there in the first place so all data is erased and copied and names that are not used will not be there.
    Could you explain that a little more?
    I'm busy reducing the code and I see that you only use Monday through Friday en 4 weeks at a time.

  11. #11
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Well this code does exactly the same as the 5-page lines of code you hade.
    The only thing you need to do is rename the week sheets, Monday through Friday (withou the numbers to Monday (1) .... Friday (1) (notice the blank between the weekday and the first (

    the code is this

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    This does not do anything new like keeping duplicates it's just you macro made efficient and.. I am still waiting for the answer to my question

    IMPORTANT: insert a new VBA module and make sure the macros are Public (move the ClearFilter_Click macro to this project and make it public too)
    Last edited by Keebellah; 08-16-2017 at 04:10 PM. Reason: Additional information

  12. #12
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Just in case:

    Here's the file too
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  13. #13
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Hi Keebellah

    Really nice code there, I love it. The only thing is if there is 2 weeks selected it wont copy the job into both those sheets. So if there is Monday and weeks 1 & 3 selected it wont copy the job to either sheet.

    The only reason I had the clear in the code was because I didn't want to double up the Jobs on each sheet when we run the Create Jobs button again. What we would like is for the Create Jobs button is to not have duplicates, but also keep older records of the same job (e.g. changing something from weeks 1 & 3 to 2 & 4 the 1 & 3 records would stay in the sheets but not in the backlog because we have changed it.)

    So we were thinking that when we run the create jobs again the code would know that the same jobs existed and not to copy them again and to only copy the changes. This will be good when changing the Jobs mid month.

    Thank you

  14. #14
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    I corrected the could, my mistake

    The next step is not yet done
    The current names are processed correctly en you get 10 entries overall
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  15. #15
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Hi Keebellah

    This is working well, I just noticed that its not clearing the Friday sheets and its not pasting to any of the Friday sheets either.

    We are hoping we can get it to stamp all the jobs in and not clear the sheets then if we make any changes mid month we only want the changes stamped in not all the jobs again.

    Then at the end of the month we will clear all sheets and re stamp all jobs ready for the new month. Also we don't want to clear the Completed, Charge rate or comments sections until the end of the month.

    Thank you for your help, much appreciated

  16. #16
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    True the clearing was the problem, but then this has to be changed to make it work by keeping the values
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  17. #17
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    The Friday is cleared too. There are some things that are not clear to me
    The Bookings table has a name and address columns B-D
    what can be done is that the moment you that after the create jobs macro has run the column E and F can be cleared allowing for new entries there.
    If you enter the same for a next run it will ignore these and clear them later too.
    The macro will not clear all and keep the existing.
    You will probably have to add a macro to clear all for a new month.
    Is this the idea?

  18. #18
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    The combination customer name and address will always be unique?

  19. #19
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Since you have not answered if the name and address combination is unique I have made the assumption it is since you call this person customer.
    I came back on my idea about deleting the weekdays and days column contents after processing.
    The file now works, duplicates are avoided in the same week.
    If you decide to add another day like Bob 1, 3 and you decide on 1, 3, 2 or you just change that to 4 it will add Bob to that weekday 4

    I added a button to Clear all data which takes care of clearing the weeks for a new period of 4 weeks.
    I have not added comments to the vba code but first give it a run and we'll see.
    I deleted all the empty rows of the table just insert a new table row to add no customers (you know how that works with tables, tight?

    Have fun with it.
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  20. #20
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Before you stumble into it, I added some error control and modified the record check

  21. #21
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Minor corrections and the hypelinks for the week 1 worksheets whcih was invalid due to worksheet name changes from Monday to Monday (1) etc.

  22. #22
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    This my last one, there were some more hyperlinks not working and I always like to see some feedback on the worksheet, like the # of jobs created / registered.
    I took a look at the report text you posted, well, My guess you'll have to work on that, it's not good , typically a recorded macro and that's it.
    It probably does what you want but if something changes you have to make many modifications.
    I hope you enjoy the vba code and can make it work for you.
    Here goes V2.0
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    This is fantastic, Thank you so much. going over and above too for things we were definitely looking for- such as the confirmation of the job clearing. I'm stoked haha. Josh will get back to you at some point too kudos

  24. #24
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    I'm glad I could help, you guys seem to be doing good things down under

  25. #25
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Hi Keebellah,

    Thank you very much for all your efforts with helping us achieve a really nice Running Sheet for Jobs. We have got it building the Report and deleting any rows that are blank.

    One other thing we wanted to see if it was possible was to see if we could add in a Job order system. So we would number the jobs to suit the run for the day and they would go in with that order.

    Not sure how it will work as the Jobs can be set into multiple or single days and if we number them on the Booking sheet this will conflict on the front sheets.

    I will have a think about how it might work but thought I would ask you also.

    Thank you
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  26. #26
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Well, I'm glad I could help.
    File looks goo, I would however format the report page to acomodate / fit all columns to one page and x tall.
    Further more remove the Print Object in the Menu Button, you do not need to see it in the report.
    About the Job order, there are no parameters to determine a job order so how do you want to implement it?
    You will have to decide what type of job takes priority or other criteria and you will need to have the criteria available to do this.
    I would also suggest an extra column in the Bookings table where you can place a number (for example between 1 and 10 ) and sort the table BEFORE creating jobs so that it places them in that order when the filter applies but then again, it will not carry though the already present jobs if you change priority.
    This will imply that you will have to go through all the 20 worksheets to check if the priority still stands and only change those whose date is > than the current date.
    All exceptions will have to be coded and checked, that'll be quite a challenge, but first you will have to decide on a strategy

    It might happen that you have to change a priority on-the-fly because a customer needs to helped before so that has to me changed too.

    I have reattached the file you sent with the report layout as I think is handy.
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  27. #27
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Thanks for your advice and fixing up the Report page. I am also wanting to create a button that emails that Report page straight to the girl here in Finance so she can import the sheet into QuickBooks as Invoices. We use Zed Axis as the tool the imports into QuickBooks, it works really well.

    The order of Jobs shouldn't change much and if the job was changed mid month I think we could live with that. After new month starts the order would be good again.

    The order will be based on best route using a tool that sifts through the jobs in Excel. Once we have the order made we would probably number them on the bookings page.

    The route may change here and there but not that often.

    Thank you

  28. #28
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Here's a simple mailing module

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    You will have to include the attachment path and filename which would be the report sheet only.

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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    You will have to fill in the correct emai address here

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    The mail be display only and you have to click send.

    You can change that in the code by activating the .Send line
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  30. #30
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Hi, there was an obsolete module that I removed but I noticed that the report text was incorrect too.
    I removed it and wrote a simpler version which refreshes the entire report sheet based upon the data found.
    Sorry for 'stalking'
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  31. #31
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Hi Keebellah

    Yeah I knew there would be a better way to do the report so thank you. I was happy that I could the empty rows deleted when I was mucking around with it.

    I had created a similar email button myself but I like that yours puts the start and end dates in so we will go with your one

    Thank you again, you have been a great help.

    I will have a go at the ordering and see if the numbering will work or if it will be a problem.

  32. #32
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Let me know if you need help

  33. #33
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    About the routing order,
    I suggest you add a worksheet with a table that has TWO columns
    first column Town second Column Address
    When a new address comes along add it
    in that way you can filter on column Town and see all the addresses for that town only
    I noticed you cannot combine a Customer name with an address because the Customer is not the one at that address but the one that is going to work at that address, so Customer is really an incorrect name for this column.

    The you will need to have a table that gets filled on-the-fly for each week day that has all the addresses for that week (Town + address) in the rows as well as in the columns
    For each intersection you will have to calculate the distance between those addresses and use the results in this table to set the order in that weekday and repeat that for ever weekday with more than one record

    And last but not least you have to also include the address starting point and decide if you want to start with the one further away or nearest the starting point.

    There is quite a lot of code to be found to calculate distances use Google Maps that can be used in Excel

    Here's one I found that does the calculating

    HTML Code: 
    I added the option Miles or KM but the code is as downloaded an all credits go to Tim Hall

    I used two of your addresses and results in KM and Miles
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  34. #34
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Using the above mentioned code the following results in attached file.
    I used the four found addresses as Origin address

    The 0 values (look blank) are either unable to calculate or less than 1 km
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  35. #35
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    Hi Keebellah

    Thank you again for your help, this calculator is cool and it will help organizing the best run for each day. Once we have a decent run for each day we will just adjust the route as we add or remove jobs from those days.

    I have tried sorting by a number in the bookings page and the jobs do go in according to this. I will try it out on more jobs as I have only tested it on a few.


  36. #36
    Forum Expert Keebellah's Avatar
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    Re: Logging information across different spreadsheets w/out repitition

    If you need help, just post

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