
I am looking to copy some data from one worksheet to another, based on a number of variables,

One of these includes to divide a number found in a cell by 100. However I can't get it to work.

I get a "Division by zero" error.

Can anyone please help out?

For i = 10 To lastrow Step 11
                                'start the copy based on criteria
                                    If Sheets(j).Cells(i, 1).Offset(9, 1) = "Ly" Then
                                        'equal to or > 10  criteria
                                            If Sheets(j).Cells(i, 4) >= 10 Then
                                            'equal to or less than specified % 
                                                If Sheets(j).Cells(i, 4).Offset(3, 0).Value <= 100 / Cells(i, 4).Offset(2, 0).Value Then <---here is where I get the error