hey, thanks for the help in advance
Please Note: i am a beginner
i basically have a table set up to track the quantity of a task. i want to be able to click a checkbox, that increases the number on the "Posted" column, by 1. I wrote everything in the "Posted" column manually, which i dont want to do anymore. i want to do it via my UserForm (like everything else). Which brings me to my next point... Excel example.PNG
the following needs to be done in my Excel sheet
1) when the checkbox is clicked the number on "Posted" needs to increase by 1 "y of x" (numbers dont match, so increase y), and then the checkbox has to get unselected. When the number increasing matches the other number: "x of x" the checkbox has to stay selected. Capture.PNG
2) i should be able to copy the checkbox and make it apply to the next column easily.
Basically the checkbox has to increase a number, until it reaches the max.
On a side note: i have a UserForm to help enter data easily. "Posted" on the Excel sheet is "quantity" on UserForm. if this helps in any way Userform.PNG Code.PNG
Also, if you have a better way for me to set type of system up, let me know.
Please view pictures for visuals