Hi everyone,
I'm very new to VBA and may question may seem very simple. But nevertheless i'm kind of stuck with the task.

I have a table where in one of its columns is a drop down list. I want VBA to shade out the whole row of the table when one of the values has been chosed from the list.

I made code to format the row:

Sub shade_out_issued_PR()

Dim RowNumber As Integer

                'Dim StatusCell As String - not necessary part

Dim CurrentSelection As String

RowNumber = ActiveCell.Row  ' this statement assignes the row number of the current selection to variable row number

MsgBox (RowNumber) ' used to test the code, could be skipped

Range(Cells(RowNumber, 2), Cells(RowNumber, 9)).Select

    Selection.Interior.Color = RGB(210, 210, 210)  'changes fill colour

    Selection.Font.Color = RGB(160, 110, 110) ' changes font colour

End Sub
what I need now is to develope code, that would run the code above as soon as the value in any cell of the table column F is set to one of the drop down list values.

I know that I must place such procedure in Sheet object of the VBA object model, to get VBA react to the change.

Could you please suggest something.?