Good day

I would like to know if it is at all possible to do the following?

I have a few files named as follows:

Campus April 2017.xlsm
Campus May 2017.xlsm
Campus June 2017.xlsm etc.

I also have another workbook called

2017 Leave Planner.xlsm

Inside this above file i have Worksheets named January, February, March, etc

Now would it be possible that if a filename like "Campus April 2017" has the word April it would then link certain cells to 2017 Leave Planner.xlsm "April" Sheet?

If not then maybe if a Cell Value = April then it would link to the April sheet.

When i create a new workbook from Campus April 2017, i have a script that also changes links then auto saves as Campus (Following Month) 2017. The above would then need to link if a Cel Value is "May" to link to worksheet "May" in 2017 Leave Planner.xlsm

If you are not sure what i am trying to say, let me know then i can try rephrase or send file

Thanks in advance