Quote Originally Posted by sintek View Post
Can you upload a smaller sample...Not that monster 36mb file..
What happens when you change this
Rows(mycell.Row).Copy Sheets(shtSheet3).Cells(nRow, 1)
to this
Sheets(shtSheet3).Cells(nRow, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
Do for both ranges...
I've already fixed it by adding this:

With Sheets(shtSheet1)
    For Each mycell In .UsedRange
        If Not mycell.Value = Sheets(shtSheet2) _
            .Cells(mycell.Row, mycell.Column).Value Then
            mycell.Interior.Color = vbYellow
            If mycell.Row = RowNum And mycell.Interior.Color = vbYellow Then GoTo nxt1:
            End If
End With
Thank you!