Quote Originally Posted by sintek View Post
i noticed that there are occurrences of more than one highlighted cell in a row, so i am guessing that you want that row copied over only one...give this a try...

sub comparesheets(shtsheet1 as string, shtsheet2 as string, shtsheet3 as string)
dim mycell as range
dim lastline as long, rownum as long
dim nrow as long
nrow = sheets(shtsheet3).cells(rows.count, "a").end(xlup).row + 1
with sheets(shtsheet1)
    for each mycell in .usedrange
        if not mycell.value = sheets(shtsheet2) _
            .cells(mycell.row, mycell.column).value then
            mycell.interior.color = vbyellow
            if mycell.row = rownum then goto nxt1:
                Rownum = mycell.row
                rows(mycell.row).copy sheets(shtsheet3).cells(nrow, 1)
                nrow = nrow + 1
            end if
end with

with sheets(shtsheet2)
    for each mycell in .usedrange
        if not mycell.value = sheets(shtsheet1) _
            .cells(mycell.row, mycell.column).value then
            mycell.interior.color = vbyellow
            if mycell.row = rownum then goto nxt2:
                Rownum = mycell.row
                rows(mycell.row).copy sheets(shtsheet3).cells(nrow, 1)
                nrow = nrow + 1
            end if
end with
end sub

this works perfectly from what i wanted to happen! Thank you!
already added reputation to you!

Thanks again!