Dear All VBA Expert
please can see my attached file that i want to use Userform to enter this data
for description for what i nature of this file
i have number of operator as in my attached file (15 operator ) in Column E and each operator have Code which will be generated by Macro function for Random
then this operator work to check batch of Number of spar part produced by machine (C3) and they working for 3 shift in each day C6 and start at day C4 and time C5 and product name C1 and batch C2
each operator get 300 Spar part in each shift then after check they give number of accepted and rejected in column G and Column H
all other calculated by formula as in my attached files
We sampling from each operator random sample and if we found some rejected part this operator will recheck this again as second check and soon
i know may be my explanation not fully clear because really till now can't know how can i explain this
hope someone can understand me even from the file attached
have nice day for all