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Adding values to concatenate function by clicking buttons

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Adding values to concatenate function by clicking buttons


    I would like to build concatenate function using buttons with assigned macros:

    I create button called "concatenate start" and want to assign to it a macro that
    send value to any cell I select equals to =concatenate(

    2) next buttons after click should add remaining value to =concatenate function i.e. Main Category button -> =concatenate("Main Category"

    3) next button after click add semicolon in active cell -> =concatenate("Main Category";

    and so on.

    In general how can I build =concenation function in any selected cell by clicking buttons which adding values to other values in this cell.

    I have many rows with data and it is easier to click buttons than coping/pasting data

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    Last edited by pomper; 06-20-2017 at 11:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Adding values to concatenate function by clicking buttons

    Do you really want a formula? It would be easier to have the macro concatenate the values and put them in your selected cell like this...
    • First, select the cells you want to concatenate (Ctrl+Click each cell)
    • Run the Concat macro
    • The Macro prompts you to select the destination cell and places the concatenated result there.

    Sub Concat()
        Dim cell As Range, strConcat As String, rng As Range
        For Each cell In Selection
            strConcat = strConcat & cell.Value & "; "
        strConcat = Left(strConcat, Len(strConcat) - 2)
        On Error Resume Next
        Set rng = Application.InputBox("Select the cell where you want the concatinated result.", "Concatinate Destination", Type:=8)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.Value = strConcat
    End Sub
    Surround your VBA code with CODE tags e.g.;
    [CODE]your VBA code here[/CODE]
    The # button in the forum editor will apply CODE tags around your selected text.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Adding values to concatenate function by clicking buttons

    This code works . Can you please help me to modify your code to solve similar task:

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