Hi !
I work on small family company, and i have an issue to save workbook. i know that to save a WB in VBA is easy using default name but my boss ask me to save it on special way and to be honest this time don't seems to be easy because the conditions. (i know a lil bit of formulas and some VBA and still learning)
This is the problem :
Worksheet Default name is : Ord-Prep-Shipped.xlsb
There are 3 cells with date
Dates Example:
Cell C37 ->When Customer place the order on Jun 16 (Cell C37 display =====> Jun 16
Cell G12 ->When Coworker prepare the Order Next day Jun 17 (Cell G12 display => Jun 17
Cell P12 ->When CoWorker went to Deliver the order (same date when prepared) on Jun 17 (Cell P12 display => Jun 17
So the condition is :
If Cells G12 and P12 have same date and C37 is 1 day early Save Worksheet as G12 Date with default Name
Example of new Worksheet Name : Jun 17 Ord-Prep-Shipped.xlsb
If date in Cell G12 and P12 not match Then Not save Worksheet and display an error msg -> "Check Procedure Order"
I know that is possible to do it with VBA, but it is possible that a friend help me?
Thanks a million in advance!