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VBA Command Button not working

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  1. #1
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    Question VBA Command Button not working

    I created a command button with a VBA code to print invoices for clients. Yesterday, when I clicked the button it worked, but now when I click the button nothing happens. I have tried all the fixes. I have deleted the button and reset it. I have gone into the VBA design mode and tried running the code from there. Nothing happens.

    I can't figure out why. I have updated, ran the fix from Microsoft, deleted the .exd files, and still nothing. Can someone please help? Here is a copy of the code I wrote.

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim clientname As String
    Dim location As String
    Dim address As String
    Dim r As Long
    Dim slrate As String
    Dim clientrate As String
    Dim discount As String
    Dim payments As String
    Dim balancedue As String
    Dim notes As String
    Dim billingdate As String
    Dim duedate As String
    Dim pastdue As String
    Dim path As String
    Dim myfilename As String
    lastrow = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Range("O" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    r = 10
    For r = 10 To lastrow
    If Cells(r, 15).Value = "Detox" Then GoTo nextrow
    If Cells(r, 15).Value = "INPT" Then GoTo nextrow
    If Cells(r, 15).Value = "Discharged" Then GoTo nextrow
    If Cells(r, 15).Value = "" Then GoTo nextrow
    clientname = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 16).Value
    location = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 15).Value
    address = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 23).Value
    slrate = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 24).Value
    clientrate = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 25).Value
    discount = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 26).Value
    payments = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 28).Value
    balancedue = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 29).Value
    notes = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 30).Value
    billingdate = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 32).Value
    duedate = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 31).Value
    pastdue = Sheets("June 2017 SL Fees").Cells(r, 27).Value
    Cells(r, 15).Value = "Detox"
    Cells(r, 15).Value = "INPT"
    Cells(r, 15).Value = "Discharged"
    Cells(r, 15).Value = ""
    Workbooks.Open ("C:\Users\SobaUser\Documents\SL Invoice\SimpleInvoice.xlsx")
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Activate
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B11").Value = billingdate
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("A16").Value = clientname
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("A17").Value = address
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B23").Value = slrate
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B24").Value = location
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B25").Value = discount
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B26").Value = clientrate
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B27").Value = pastdue
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B28").Value = payments
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B29").Value = balancedue
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("B33").Value = duedate
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Simple Invoice").Range("A47").Value = notes
    path = "C:\Users\SobaUser\Documents\SL Invoice"
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=path & clientname & "-" & billingdate & "-" & ".pdf"
    myfilename = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    'ActiveWorkbook.Printout copies:=1
    ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
    Next r
    End Sub
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    Last edited by 6StringJazzer; 06-14-2017 at 02:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: VBA Command Button not working

    Attach a sample workbook. Make sure there is just enough data to demonstrate your need. Include a BEFORE sheet and an AFTER sheet in the workbook if needed to show the process you're trying to complete or automate. Make sure your desired results are shown, mock them up manually if necessary.

    Remember to desensitize the data.

    Click on GO ADVANCED and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window.

    You need to step through the macro to see where it fails.

    Instead of clicking on the button, move the macro to a normal macro module.

    Then select the developer tab and then macros.

    Select "Step into Macro" and then f8 to stem through your macro.
    My General Rules if you want my help. Not aimed at any person in particular:

    1. Please Make Requests not demands, none of us get paid here.

    2. Check back on your post regularly. I will not return to a post after 4 days.
    If it is not important to you then it definitely is not important to me.

  3. #3
    Administrator 6StringJazzer's Avatar
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    Re: VBA Command Button not working

    The behavior could be explained if there are fewer than 10 rows in "June 2017 SL Fees". If you run the code directly from the VBA editor and it still doesn't do anything, the problem is not with your button. Also see if the code is even trying to run--as a quick diagnostic I suggest putting this line just before the For statement:

    MsgBox "lastrow=" & lastrow
    If the message box doesn't appear then your code is not even running. But if it does appear, the problem will likely be evident in the message.
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