Hi all,

I am in need of solution to my problem i have been struggling with for quite some time now.

I have a range off cells that have numbers in them, and are colored with different colors. These cells don't always have the same color. The range of cells is F20:AU42.

I have made 13 check boxes which are bounded to different cells. Range of cells is E3:E15. Every cell in that range has a different color and these colors are the same colors I use in above mentioned range F20:AU42.

here is the picture of the workbook so you can see what I am working on.


What i need is, the vba code that format cells in range F20:AU42 when i uncheck the checkboxes in range E3:E15.
For instance. If I uncheck the checkbox in cell E3 (color orange), I would like to format all cells with orange in range F20:AU42 (cell color white+font color white).
And if I check the checkbox again it will change the color of same cells to orange.

I hope that someone out there can help me with this.

Best regards