Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and am a summer student needing help at an internship. I'm dealing with sensitive information so unfortunately, I cannot post it here.

I am working with a Pivot Table with many fields which include different school names and years broken down into actual and budgeted revenues/expenses. Currently, I have an excel file created with a template for each school.

I am working with a Pivot Table with many fields which include schools, years, and their actual vs. budgeted revenues and expenses. I've been asked to create a variance analysis using that information. Currently, I have a basic template made so it will consist of one workbook per school and each workbook will have 10 sheets for 10 different years. I have been going in the Pivot Table and copying values from 2005-2006 and pasting it onto the relevant worksheet, but then I need to manually change the year to 2006-2007, and do the same thing. How can I automate this?

I've tried recording my filter but am not sure how to automate it to loop or go to the next year...Please help as I'm currently spending about 5 minutes on each worksheet just copying and pasting information in. Essentially, I am looking to have a code that will: - change the year to the next, copy and paste actual revenue, copy and paste budgeted revenue, then repeat but with a new year. After that, I'm looking for one to to be able to do the same but with expenses instead.