i have List B8:E37 generated using data validation table.in Column E, i have use formula as =IFERROR(INDEX(Choices!$F$2:$F$90,SMALL(IF(($C$4=Choices!$F$2:$F$90)*IF($D$4="ALL",1,($D$4=Choices!$G$2:$G$90)),ROW(Choices!$F$2:$F$90)-ROW(Choices!$F$2)+1,""),ROWS(Choices!$F$2:F2))),"") in which if the data is not present it will added "" in that cell of E Column.
E8:E24 contains data whereas E25:E37 is displayed as blank but formula is there.
Since in my case E24 is the last Non Empty Cell. but when i use formula to find out Last Column number I get as 37.
pl help to find out last Non Empty Cell.
below is the code i used to verify
=IF(E25="",TRUE,FALSE) ==> True
Below is the code which i am using
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim LastCell As Range
Dim LastCellRowNumber As Long
Set ws = Worksheets("Input_Sheet")
With ws
Set LastCell = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp)
LastCellRowNumber = LastCell.Row
End With