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Opening a text file copying a specific set of info for a list off numbers

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    Forum Expert dflak's Avatar
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    Re: Opening a text file copying a specific set of info for a list off numbers

    This version should take 1 off the part number if the part number is even. So 1002690-306 will be shown as 1002690-306 and the overall part number will be 12690306, but it will look for directory 1002690-305.WPD.

    As for the tables. On the routing sheet, there are formulas in Columns H and I. If you add new part numbers to the end of the table, these formulas will be copied down automatically. If you clear the contents of the table (rows 2 to the end) the formulas will be "remembered" and when you paste in new data into columns A:G, they will be applied automatically.

    On the Parts List table, there are no formulas. Everything is filled in by the program.
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